Microsoft Office 365 Teams

Teams, A comprehensive new way of sharing data and idea’s! We at San Diego Computer Consulting can help with an Office 365 Teams implementation.   Teams is a collaboration software that is built into Office 365 office suite and comes with Business Premium.   Teams collaboration software is designed to help your staff group together to be…


COVID-19 & The Economy

A Heartfelt Message from Glen Jaffe, President of SDCC. All of us at San Diego Computer Consulting continue to carefully watch the news, economy, and all updates regarding the serious situation of the COVID-19 pandemic which is causing world havoc. Like many other businesses, we are unnerved, cautious, and hopeful for the eventual world recovery.…


Network Wiring

Network Wiring, Wi-Fi and Wireless Network Solutions San Diego Computer Consulting is your network wiring and Wi-Fi go-to expert. We have installed well over 100 wiring and wireless networks for offices in San Diego. Wiring solutions is our expertise and we still to this day enjoy the work and challenge. Our wiring expertise comes from…


Ransomware Attack Negotiation

If you have an incidence, it is important to talk to us, first! We at San Diego Computer Consulting have a great deal of experience working with attacks from Ransomware.   Weather it was an incident that did not cause any damage or an incident that did.   We at SDCC have worked with many different companies…



Two Factor Authentication?

Why use two factor Authentication?   Simple: Imposters who want to blackmail you! Today’s computing environment is tenuous!   It is so because of the massive amount of fraud and stealing that is going on.   All computers are connected throughout the world.    Stealing is not done with a gone.  The prolific stealing is done through the internet,…


Proofpoint Email Security Services

Hello, Glen Jaffe here.   I am writing you today about the benefits of Proofpoint email security services. We at San Diego Computer Consulting use Proofpoint email security on every email account that we support for ALL our clients! Proofpoint is one of the top leaders in email security.    Adding Proofpoint to an account redirects email…
